Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Bitter Disease Called Unforgiveness, by JoAnne Hooks

This book is 2 ½ to 3 hours long if you are reading it straight through. It is written for an age level of 9 to 99 with parents reading it first to see if it is suitable enough for your children to read….It is a counseling tool for homes and different facilities. These are true stories. Some of the names have been changed to protect the innocent.

1. Chapter one talks about “Hidden Roots” - It deals with overcoming abuse, molestation and sickness, which cause bitterness.

2. Chapter two deals with “A Touch of Humility” - It talks about how unforgiving spirits will not get us to heaven. Harboring un-forgiveness will only lead to bitterness and bitterness causes diseases…Once we let these things go and humble ourselves healing and deliverance began to take place in our lives.

3. Chapter three & four is dealing with a Message called The Sycamine Tree - These chapters takes you back to your childhood days of experiencing some hurtful incidents that you maybe carrying in your heart even today and you refuse to let them go…

4. Chapter five deals with Beautiful Painted Pictures - It talks about when you have surrendered your life to the Lord and you are doing all the right things, thinking on pure and holy thoughts. Yet, Satan knows that you are still vulnerable and he set a trap to pull you back in through your unsaved friends.

5. Chapter six & seven deals with “From a Cocoon to A Butterfly” - These chapter tells us how a great transformation can takes place in our lives after we remove, jealousy, envy and pride out.

6. Chapter eight talks about “Secrets Exposed” meaning (Evaluate your Secrets before exposing them) - This chapter gives you many secrets that has been exposed and one of them is mines.

7. Chapter nine tells us, “There is a Consequence for our Action” – (That’s not nice!): It talks about how the impact of our sins has affected our children lives and there is a consequence that we must pay as parents. It concludes with asking our children to forgive us as parents and it has a prayer to our children.

8. Chapter ten deals with “How to Overcome Hurts” – I am sure every one of us can attest to this chapter, even a child. (This chapter is a must read).

9. Chapter eleven & twelve concludes with a Message based on how “Your Faith is a terrible thing to Waste” – The conclusion of this chapter has a story about Faith and Hope meeting at a crossroad. Faith tells Hope to join him on the other side of the Jordan River because there are some people that he needs to talk with on the Riverbed and those folk are: Misery, Depression, Suicide and a Grieving Mother that lost her little girl to Molestation….


  1. This book will help those who are hurting in their personal life from abuse. This book will help you to move pass the hurt and the pain. A great book for all ages from 9 to 99.

    1. Thank you Pastor Goring for the review. I am truly excited that you enjoyed reading my book! I pray that the world will embrace it to see there is a solution to every problem regardless to; sickness, cancer infirimities, bitterness, depression, hidden roots, jealousy, hopelessness, helplessness, anger, misery, contemplating suicide, alcohol, molestation, domestic abuse, hurts, rejection, pain, etc....I can attest to these enitites because I have had an encounter with each one. God is a deliverer and if He brought me out He will do the same for others. I am a living witness....JoAnne Smith Hooks - Author
