Friday, January 13, 2012


James 1:2-12
We find it is easy to have faith when things are going well in our lives. But the test of true faith come when trails come Oh, yes they will come as sure as the sun rise in the east and set in the west. In the Book of James 1:2-12, his letter deals primarily the practical of our Christian faith every day.
I take God at His word everyday And you must do the same.Yes,we live in a world where suffering is like a unwanted guest. As long as we live we will never be able to prevent trials from bringing pain and sorrow into our lives. Bad things often happen to good people who are struggling every day of their lives to humbly with God. Nevertheless, James makes a plea for every Christian to rejoice in our suffering.
The testing of your faith in Jesus Christ and knowing that he will never leave your nor for sake you. Such testing develop patience and perseverance.

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